Archive | January, 2012

Nicki Minaj OPI Nail Lacquer 2012

6 Jan

New OPI Colours to kick off the new year!:)

Shoo and I went for a mani/pedi session recently and we decided to try the new Nicki Minaj colours for OPI. I absolutely loveeeee it! Shoo did a manicure using Fly and Did it on ’em while I chose to go for Metallic 4 Life for my toes. I couldn’t stop staring at my toes after the manicurist was done. The mixture of small and big hexagonal glitter pieces is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to try Save Me (because of the holo bar glitter) and the Super Bass Shatter next!:)

Till the next time!

♥ Jan

Hello 2012!

1 Jan

Thank you everyone for reading this space faithfully the past year and allowing us to share our passion for nail art. The growing number of readers have been very encouraging:)

May 2012 be an awesome year for all of you and we will continue to work hard to keep this space updated and interesting!

Lots of love, Thenailfetish.