Archive by Author


26 Jun

I always wanted to do something inspired by those volume control levels you see on media players. One of the konad plates had this design which reminded me of that but the thing was I wanted the dots to be different colours so I couldn’t do it the konad way.

So I used some dotting tools Jan bought and did each row of dots in a different colour!

Dotting tools I used

Watching Champs league while painting!

Tadah! Got some pretty good comments about this design so I was pretty happy with it 🙂

❤ jean

Stuck in a Sticky Situation

22 Jun

So, Jan showed me this link where they paint on scotch tape to cut out little shapes and lines to paste on nails. Looked super cool so I decided to try it out! It is honestly, not as easy as it looks. It was so tedious painting the scotch tape, waiting for it to dry, cutting up the shapes and then getting them to stick without ruining your other nails. Also, the little pieces kept coming out and it was hard to cut it to the exact size so they would stick out here and there. I really have to get me more Seche Vite top coat, it is so hard to do these creative things without a quick dry.

Because I wasn’t really happy with the outcome and the colour combi, I ended up taking everything out. Ah well at least I tried it! Snapped a few shots before wiping them off tho 😀

I think the next time I try this I will make sure I have a quick dry top coat on  hand!

❤ jean


19 Jun

Hello hello!

It’s been a long while but that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped painting my nails! Of course with work and what not I barely have time to do my nails but I do indulge once in awhile, need to start looking for more inspiration. Anyway since I am the biggest procrastinator, these pics have been collecting dust in my bb. So here we go 🙂

This one is from one of those days when I couldn’t decide which colour to use, so I decided to go crazy with the colours and mix different coloured bases and tips. Always solves the problem haha

Have a great week everyone!

❤ jean

mix & match

4 Dec

I was recently inspired by Lauren Conrad’s mix n match nails (Source: and decided to do my own! I had green nails (the OPI mermaid tears one-LOVE!) and decided not to let them go to waste. Sometimes I like my nails plain, just the colour because any pattern just robs the colour of the attention it deserves haha I talk like they’re alive, but they are in some way yes? But this mix n match style was just too cute to resist trying and it kind of describes where I’ve been recently, all over the place haha mixed up and what not.

Till the next time!


Lines of mine

2 Aug

HELLO! I know I haven’t been around much but thanks to Jan my nail pictures have been making it up still 🙂 Haven’t been feeling particularly inspired I’m afraid and these things just can’t be forced, I only paint my nails when a particular design catches my eye. So here are my current nails which are just a variation of the colour blocking that we love to do with scotch tape layer by layer! Have been getting good comments about them and I really think its the colour combi of gold, black and a taupe colour, so here you go!

In other eggciting news, we’ve had over 5000 views since we started ! It’s awesome knowing that there are people out there who love painting nails like we do 🙂 Feel free to email us ( your pictures if you want to share your nail designs on our blog, spread the lurve!

❤ jean