Archive | November, 2010

The One with Unagi…and Egg Yolk.

30 Nov


so this one’s from AWHILE back. i think it was only my second time marbling after i did the paddlepop.

calling it Unagi cause…
1. the salmon colour
2. it made me think of “salmon skin roll!”(rachel/f.r.i.e.n.d.s)
3. i know Unagi is freshwater eel and all but it sounds fiercer.
*makes a fist, puts out index and middle fingers on temple* “UNAGI”.

i intended to keep the tone subtle coz i liked how the first nail(left thumb – upclose shot in collage below) turned out all porcelain-like.
but i also liked the ones that turned out brighter so i just kept it mixed.
didn’t want it to turn out too pale overall either.
the flash pretty much washed out the salmon shades on the paler nails so it was actually alot oranger irl.

my little sister witnessed the whole process and wanted to experience it for herself.
since it was deepavali holiday the next day (and after i was done with my own nails, i was left wishing i had more nails to continue marbling anyway), i complied.
my cousin was feeling trigger-happy, i allowed her to take photos during the process as long as i wasn’t in them hah!
oooh and i called it “egg yolk” cause it looked like i cracked an egg into the water when the drops of polish spread out on the surface. 😛

it was close to her bedtime so i didn’t have time to file her nails whatsoever.
her nails are still so tiny, they couldn’t capture most of the curvy details of the pattern.

i like the colour combi. though, so i’ll prolly try this on my own nails next time!

– didi

#11 – Marbling

29 Nov

YAY:) We are so happy to have a new blogger for Thenailfetish – Didi! According to Jean, she’s got loads of awesome designs to share so I’m pretty sure she’ll keep this space alive/active with her nailspirations! Can’t wait to see her work!

Anyway, here are my nails for the week: Pink and White Marbling.

Hahaha, marbling seems to be like the in thing to do and I decided to give it a try only because Jean agreed to help me. Hehe, I think it’ll probably be my first and last time doing this. It was so tedious (although Didi makes it look so effortless)!

I’m specially featuring my thumb below because my mum helped me with it. Yes, there is no way I can do this alone with my greasy fingers so when I was redoing my thumb just now, my mum (who was super curious to see how it was done) ended up helping me.

Thank you Jean & Mummy for helping me with my nails:)

♥ Jan

i can show u the world, shining, shimmering, splennndid!

28 Nov

the lee sisters invited me to contribute my nailspirations here (thank u very much, laydehs!) so this is my DEBUT post. *drumroll*
first time on wordpress so this is gonna be like a trial run for me.

i’m posting up my latest marbling nail design which i just did last night.
most of my marbling activities nowadays kinda start with me wanting to test out new nail polish that i just bought and this is one very good example.

PURPLE and GOLD! cheap buys from Sasa (buy 2 get 1 free/3 for $8) and Daiso ($2, duh), respectively.
and they work MAGNIFICENTLY for marbling. spreads out wide and fast on water, i was like whoaaaa.
should video it one day. can be quite hypnotic and trippy on repeat. lol.

so i’m calling this one The Aladdin Marbling.
erm, cause they kinda remind me of persian rugs, which reminds me of the magic carpet, which of course reminds me of Aladdin!
and imo,  there’s just something very “arabian nights” about the resulting pattern and colour combi.

the dotter definitely played a huge part in making this design work. the dots block the irritating bubbles that usually ALWAYS accompany your marbling handicraft, and also just distracts attention from the little cock-ups that would have been alot more obvious, otherwise.

i should have taken a photo of my nails before dotting them to emphasize the added “awesomeness” cause it was also alot plainer before.

but i didn’t wanna get vaseline on my camera and was pretty much “IN THE ZONE” anyway. HAH.

couldn’t get a clear photo of all my nails without the flash. it made the purple look reddish, but we’ll save the more christmas-y designs for some other time, shall we? 🙂

i have loads more designs to share which i’ve been too lazy to post on my own boring blog. the pictures are moulding in my laptop and increasingly taking MEGA BYTES of my harddisk (geddit? geddit? HAHAHAHA!) so i’m prolly gonna hog this space for abit more.

– didi


EDIT: i did this update before jean had the chance to slot in the introductory post abt me (haha i honestly was not expecting one!) so i didn’t know it was gonna be a pretty sentimental one too. AWWW.

so im here to publicly thank her for being so welcoming and also for making me sound pretty awesome. LOL. i just have to correct the part abt my designs being “all so original” HAHA coz nah, they’re not all that original lah. i do spend alot of time watching youtube tutorials n surfing other nail art blogs.

she got it right abt the budget part tho. budget is my middle name! up till now, i’ve never tried OPI nail polish (though i love the names they come up with for their colours!) and i’ve never paid for a manicure. the only one time i remembered having my nails painted in a “shop” was when the girls n i got a massage in krabi n it came with a manicure freebie. n it wasn’t that good an experience coz they didn’t even apply any base coats n my nails got stained pretty bad.

sigh, reading jean’s post makes me miss jc life so much. wouldn’t hv been able to get through it without my conjoined lovaa lahhh. where the hell did u dig up the old photos from?! i almost forgot how much i rocked at making those DUCK faces.

anw, that boogie pic is one of my favs! just wish that drop of tequila on my boob wasn’t so visible HAH. so i’m gonna add another boogie fav.

and how can any other photo be as cjlovable as this one? 😀


27 Nov

We are so happy to the bappy to announce the addition of a new author to our blog….DEEDS!! You’d prob remember her from some previous posts like paddle pop marbling and the orange/red/black design..

haha ripped this off her fb profile pics!

You guys have no idea how EGGCITED I am that we have another author! I am lucky to have friends just as into nail painting as me and Deeds is seriously THE BOMB cos her designs are all so original and inspired by anything and everything. ANDDDDD, she manages to come up with all these amaskin stuff on a budget, even better!

Anyways just a lil’ background hahaha we were actually from the same secondary school but never really knew each other then, until JC when we wound up in the same class AND cca and even in our cca we held the same position hahaha well we became breasties, literally conjoined cos people in school would ask me “eh didi never come school today ah?” when they see me alone haha funny shitz and we also had our eye candy lists which we had alot of fun with all thruout JC, that is only one of the many crazy things we did but well long story short we’ve been close ever since 🙂

ok more pictures from our jc days…

ok and a more recent picture of us, see how we’ve grown hahaha


❤ jean

Glitter gradient

18 Nov

Featuring my dear friend kath and her pretty gradient nails:)

I ♥♥ ♥ this gradient design!!! I actually attempted to do this once for my toes but failed because I used the wrong type of sponge. Looking at kath’s pretty sparkly nails now makes me want to try this again soon!:)

Thanks kat for sharing ♥